Friday, February 08, 2008

the sweetest thing

once i'm in this stage where i spent a whole day couped up in my room working my creativity streaks devising revenge plans to hurt my ex
oh all the vile n cruel thoughts
it would be a slice of heaven if i can carry out any of it
but i didn't
but yesterday's suturing class sparks back an old idea i once had
inspired by the magical wonder of medical world

a cruel but heavenly gratifying n satisfactory way to get back at ur ex-boyfriend
esp those who cheat on you wit other women/girl

step 1
get hold of mixed preparation of lidocaine (or any other local anaesthetic-commonly ends wit -caine) and epinephrine (or any other vasoconstrictor agent)

step 2
get hold of ur ex, tied him n get his down there prepared wit icy cold alcohol swab

step 3
inject the lidocaine-epinephrine mixture at the tip of his penis and wait with a smug smile on ur face

step 4
wat happen to his "big boy"
*evil laugh here*

behold! his member will turn black wit gangrene and wither off
*evil laugh some more n louder too*

it really work, trust me!

~knowledge is power, use it to good path~


Atok said...

ganassssnya mek!

Anonymous said...

mek dah keluar tanduk tu :P *larii*

CT DALILAH said...

atok: they do say ~hell hath no fury like a woman scorn~

budak ingin tahu: *kejar with a syringe full of lidocaine with epi mix in hands*

no really ppl, i'm a nice n sweet lil girl next door, just once in a while when my imagination run free *giggles*